It seems, already long time for me not writing in this website. Due to my activities and focus on several things I should do, so I am prefer not to write as much as I can. However, that is not the main reason for, as well as my individual blog also has the same condition. Maybe because I can not maintain my mood to write. Okay, alibi is not the answer for all this question, but recently I am really enjoyed the situation and what I get in Japan.
Nevertheless, in this post I want to share the farewell party of YEJ Students that only stay for just ~6 months. Yeah, time goes by and we not notice it. My hope, we can remind each other for what we have done and learn during this program. I wish also, someday I want to visit all of your countries to meet you guys. Just remember the "password" to identify our groups....."YSEP 2009" lol
Okay, this is the video performance at the last formal YEJ party :